OSHO festival… great news!
An extraordinary international event: the Osho Meditation Festival in Italy near Rimini! Energy, joy, celebration, friendliness… will happen again also on 2025!
24 – 27 April 2025 Bellaria (RN)
Don’t miss the chance to give yourself the gift of 4 days that could change your life!
The annual OshoFestival in Italy, held every April, will happen again in 2025 in the traditional location in Bellaria-Igea Marina, just a little further up the east coast near Rimini. The conference center will easily accomodate the hundreds and hundreds of enthusiastic participants coming from all over Europe.

Can you imagine doing Dynamic, Kundalini and the Evening Meeting meditations together with so many people? What an explosion of energy! Plus a full range of different events led by internationally known facilitators… As a participant said: “You can taste different techniques, different leaders and find out what is good for you… and meet beautiful people and old friends !”.
And lots of dances, live music and… the biggest AUM Meditation in Europe!
The Oshofestival has an international flavor with most of the events and meditations led in English with Italian translation. Central hotel booking through Turismhotels allows to have special rates for Festival participants!
So… keep April 24 to 27 – 2025 free and don’t miss this unique opportunity! “OshoFestival… you have to be there to fully understand how magic it is!” said another partecipant. As usual OshoFestival sparkles with an international choice of top-notch event givers. Some of them are already known to the public because of previous festivals or for their work in Italy and the world.