The great celebration of meditation



Pamela Prabhato Rosati is a Professional Counselor registered with AIPO (Italian Association of Holistic Professionals) with specialization in Aura-Soma®, Energy work, Metaphysics, Osho Prana Healing® and Systemic Family Constellations.

For many years she has been involved in projects with children and young people aimed at their personal growth and at developing and encouraging self-confidence and the development of their potential.

Together with Aseel Roberto Barison, she created GiocaMeditando®, a project aimed at teachers, educators, parents and children that uses play and meditation as techniques for mental, physical and emotional well-being.

A teacher of metaphysics, energy techniques and Aura-Soma®, he supports people in their search for well-being and truth through leading groups, experiential meetings and meditation.