This year’s programme is, as usual, multifaceted, in order to offer as varied an overview as possible, without claiming to be complete, of what the world of Osho has to offer.
It is designed so that participants can experience various meditation and awareness techniques, taste their fragrance and then decide which ones to continue practising at home or in the meditation centres.
All interspersed with Osho Meditations, from the more classic Dynamic, Kundalini and Evening Meeting to other lesser known but equally valid techniques.
The Oshofestival has an international flavor with most of the events and meditations led in English with Italian translation (or translated into English when led in Italian).
Healing Personal and Collective Trauma
In this workshop we learn how to recognize trauma, distinguish it from only painful experiences and understand what serves healing. Svagito will explain the differences between personal and collective trauma and how to work with both differently. We will especially focus on understanding bonding trauma and how healthy bonding supports, while unhealthy bonding can disturb healing traumatic events.
Svagito will respond to personal questions.
Somatic Family Constellation
Svagito will explain the benefits and shortcomings of a purely somatic or systemic approach in therapy and will demonstrate how combining both approaches in one single session can give a more comprehensive view and a more lasting healing effect. There will be practical demonstrations and some personal questions can be addressed.
Conscious Relating
In this workshop we explore principles of healthy relating and how to grow in relationship towards conscious love. When we can let go of the unhealthy patterns that we learned from our parents and act from our own awareness rather than from our need to belong, we can discover our capacity to give and receive love. Now we can find the courage to live an authentic, joyful life.
Svagito will share what he learned in 40 years of working with people and respond to personal questions.
Authentic Creativity
Unless one is creative one is not fully alive. Creativity is our birthright, but because of our social conditioning we have become distracted from our true potential. We often look for secondary benefits, like recognition, status or material gain and then our fulfilment does not arise from what we are doing.
In this workshop we learn what is needed to remove old blocks and find our authentic creative expression in life. Everybody has something unique to contribute, finding it brings us again in touch with our joy and childlike innocence.
Svagito will respond to personal questions about work and creativity.
At the end of the workshop Svagito will introduce the work and art of Meera Hashimoto, who inspired thousands to live a life of joy and creativity.
Sun and Moon within You
The Meeting of your Inner Male and Female
Two opposing and complementary energies flow within us. Knowing them, welcoming them and understanding their dynamics, brings light and clarity into your life, your choices, and towards more conscious relationships. We need both, and often we live a life led by only one of our polarities. This can be the cause of a feeling of dissatisfaction or incompleteness, which leads us to look outside for a joy that can only flow from the meeting of these two energies.
Love that Heals
Family, Relational and Systemic Constellations
In this event we will have the opportunity to understand how to dissolve repetitive behaviours and beliefs that limit the expansion of our Being, in the family and relational spheres, and in life in general. Osho Family Constellation accompanies you in the healing of transgenerational traumas and of this life, so that conscious love can resume flowing within you.
An Extra Gear for your Projects
Through the Taoist Constellations of the ‘5 elements’ we will discover how to start a life or professional project on a solid foundation, or how to unblock an ongoing one. The psycho-somatic method of the 5 elements unveils the body-mind-spirit relationships, giving you the opportunity to open up to your success, giving shape to your yearning.
Money and Creativity
Money is simple energy, connected to our beliefs, history and family and social conditioning. In this event we will discover how connecting to your creative source can lead to a new vision and perception of yourself. Meditating on money, overcoming the judgments of the mind and learned habits, can lead us to a relaxed and trusting relationship with life, beyond the fear of not making it, beyond greed, beyond effort, towards abundance.
Stop Dance
This is not only fun to do and a way to meet each other, but it is a method used by Gurdjieff in his dances and in his work with people. It is the most easy meditation to take into daily life.
Remember Yourself as Light
A method to ‘remember yourself’. Osho: Wherever you are, remember yourself that you are, this consciousness that you are should become a continuity. Not your name, your nationality, those are futile things, absolutely useless. Just remember “I am” this must not be forgotten.
Osho Vipassana
Through breath awareness you can watch, without being involved in it, the dramas of the mind… which begin to slow down. The activity of thought calms down when you take away your involvement. This also brings to the surface and dissolves tensions. It is a deep cleansing.
Absorb the Senses in Your Heart
A method to use our senses to go deep down into the heart center. When the heart center is full it overflows into our being, into our hara center.
Celebrate Tantra – Celebrate Yourself
Tantra is an “energetic” approach to life. It teaches us to say yes to life. It is a path of awareness in all aspects of our lives. This event is a taste of a Tantric Approach to life. The Body is always in the here and now. Present. This event will be supporting you coming home to yourself, in your body. Connecting with your breath and the inner flow. Connected to your life energy, the inner source. When we are at home we can meet the other from a “give-love-space” instead of a “need-love-Space” We will connect with the body, the life energy, celebrate this body. We will dance, breathe, play, celebrate – ourselves and this life.
Play of Polarity
(Come to the event with a friend, lover or partner)
In all aspects of our lives polarity is always in play – Osho reminds us that Tantra has known this for 5000 years. Polarity charges us. In the polarity we become alive. Polarity is juice. First we meet in the outer and later the outer meeting can become an inner meeting. This play is Tantra.
In this event we will dance through the currents in the outer and inner play of polarity. Meeting the other – Coming home – Meeting within – We will explore the polarity with a partner. In the event we will be diving into this mystery of life that unfolds in the Play of Polarity. In Eros, in the pull of Attraction, in the Male and Female qualities and whatever my surface during the event. We will honour and value each other – Celebrate the same journey we all are on from meetings on the outside towards wholeness within.
When meditation meets play, the mind relaxes, the ego can be dissolved and we can let ourselves go into a dimension of deep and serene interiority in a light and pleasant way. No effort, no performance, just an incredible amount of vital energy to experience before falling quietly into our centre and being nourished by the fragrance of bliss.
Dance & Games
Celebrating the festival as an opportunity for play, meeting, sharing and meditation. At a time when everything is immediate and fast, we will try together to regain awareness of the qualities of space and time dimensions in relating with each other.
Loving oneself starts with the ability to go within oneself authentically, connecting with the space of the heart, accepting without judgement who we are. From this space it is possible to meet our desires by recognising a loving intention that opens us up to life and the possibility of making it a wonderful experience.
Light Of Love
Pain, suffering, joy, are emotional currents that your heart welcomes, absorbs, embraces, while you rest, nourish and regenerate at the heart centre.
I Exist Beyond the Mind – The Dancing Light of Being
When you take root in your Being, you are rooted in Existence, you can dance with Existence and be aware of your Being, of Existing beyond the mind.
Deep Stretching – the Canfora® Method
Deep muscle stretching meets meditation and body and breath awareness. The rhythm of the mind slows down as your muscles stretch, pain melts away and the mind quiets down.
The Vibration Of One
From chaos of the mind to harmony
A ‘journey’ that through the use of voice, body expression and activation of the Heart through mantra chanting, will transport you beyond the separations and divisions of the mind. Into the space where we are One.
Osho-Pulsation Body Work
In this meeting, tools will be offered to guide participants to connect with the body, deepening the sense of grounding that underlies the Osho Pulsation work. Deep breathing, movement, sound will give the opportunity to ride a wave of energy that is sometimes released in the peak and sometimes in the stillness of relaxation.
Yoga Pulsation
A class in which you will be guided to listen to the body awakening. The breath will be the guide to expand and open the various parts of the body using simple postures (asanas) as well as expressive structured movements, dance and relaxation.
Tarot and Talents
Each of us arrived on this planet with a gift that wants to come out into the light, to become alive and relevant. This gift is our talent. In order to let the energy flow and share the joy in our hearts with the world around us, it is necessary to recognise the gift we have and find a way to express it.
Sometimes our vision is limited by mental patterns and fear keeps us on the surface in our understanding of reality. The Osho Zen Tarot can help us broaden our vision, overcoming the obstacles that stand between us and our becoming who we are.
In this event we will explore our limitations and talents, find our own, individual way of accepting limitations and making space for talents, sharing the beauty of our hearts together.
Playing freely with the Osho Zen Tarot we will rediscover the hidden nature that drives us towards the expression of our primordial energy, giving us the joy of giving the world our unique and unrepeatable touch of magic and beauty.
Osho Divine Healing exercises
Breath movements for a healthy, living and joyful body. Simple and effective exercises inspired by ancient eastern techniques. To reconnect with the breath, loosen the joints and keep healthy.
Drop the Mask!
Let’s play together with the masks we use in our daily lives.
Dance evening
Live music: a sound journey to let yourself be carried away by the sound of the drums, with the sweetness of the rhythm and the delicate strength of the percussions.
Humaniversity AUM Meditation
The most known ‘social meditation’, powerful and energising, capable of changing the way we experience everyday life; with intensity and awareness it leads to a deep inner silence.